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Rescue Madness Logo

Welcome to Bar K Rescue Madness
Saint Louis!

Bar K Rescue Madness is an online tournament to raise awareness for animal rescue in St. Louis. Sixteen local rescues have each selected one incredible ADOPTABLE all-star (listed below) to compete for your vote!

Winning dogs will move onto the next round, The Final Fur, and eventually, the Tournament Championship, which will be held as an online tournament.  Teams who make it to the Final Fur will each receive a $100 Gift Card to Bar K!  In addition,  Tito’s Handmade Vodka is making a special $500 cash donation to all participating rescues. 

Please note, this is a friendly competition and even though we are cheering for specific dogs, we are really rooting for ALL of the dogs to find their forever homes!


Click below each adoptable dog’s photo to read their bio!

Image of adoptable dog.
Image of adoptable dog, Mehs.
Image of adoptable dog.
Image of adoptable dog, Speak.
Image of adoptable dog, Benjamin.
Image of adoptable dog.
Image of adoptable dog.
Image of adoptable dog, McKinley.
Image of adoptable dog, Snowflake.
Image of adoptable dog.
Image of adoptable dog, Zamboni.
Image of adoptable dog.
Image of adoptable dog.
Image of adoptable dog, Candyland.
Image of adoptable dog, Wheybest.
Image of adoptable dog, Walt.

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